is a pure python cli application that tries to detect anomaly in DNS packets
a set of different packets for different domains are given as
and we are to determine if there's an anomaly in the packets and show them in stdout or logfile like below
2019-04-24 07:22:36,554 - Thread-1 - ERROR - with IP is an anomaly
2019-04-24 07:22:36,554 - Thread-3 - ERROR - with IP is an anomaly
Install python 3.6 or above
Clone this repo git clone
PS: No other libraries required [-h] [--threads N] [--src source_folder]
[--verbose level]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--threads N number of thread (default: 1)
--src source_folder source folder for the dns packet files (default:
--verbose level verbose level [debug, info, error] (default: error)
1. With the given input and without other source of reference, I decided to create a lookup table
to validate the preceeding packets by assuming that the first packet with a group of server ips is a good data
2. In creating the lookup table I assume that the network are configured with default CIDR refer to below link
3. Following the structure given, I am able to create fixtures and provide sample/testing data, the script is named
4. Unittest are also added to validate and ensure the effectivity of the program
5. A non threaded version is also included for comparison purposes
6. I decided to use standard libraries only to avoind complexity in installation
7. Threads were implemented in conjunction with Queue this ensure that all the files/tasks are executed and nothing will be forgotten
8. Also Queue ensure that there's no two task coliding. and makes the application thread safe.
9. Overall the task/activity was fun.