C++/ROS Source Codes for Trajectory planning for autonomous driving using ilqr solver.
- ROS Melodic or later
- Python3
- Eigen 3.4.0
Clone repository to any catkin workspace and compile workspace
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/mpt0816/Cilqr.git
cd ..
source devel/setup.bash
Example test case with 6 pedestrians, 3 moving vehicles and 2 static vehicles.
roslaunch planning pedestrian_test.launch
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
bash src/Cilqr/scripts/run.sh
Click anywhere in Rviz window with the 2D Nav Goal
Tool to start planning.
Generate and run new random case:
roslaunch planning random_pedestrian_test.launch
- Red Trajectory: Coarse Trajectory from DP Planner;
- Yellow Trajectory: Init guess Trajectory from Cilqr, whilch solved with LQR;
- Green Trajectory: Final Trajectory from Cilqr;
If you want to get a better result, use the Tracker
to get the initial guess.
// in src/Cilqr/algorithm/ilqr_optimizer.cpp , line 168 ~ 169
// InitGuess(coarse_traj, &states, &controls);
OpenLoopRollout(coarse_traj, &states, &controls);
Special thanks to Bai Li for ros simulation environment and Galaxy for the safe corridor.