Convert the Eltako Series 62-IP data to MQTT messages.
Some waring about those devices:
- they are announced to come with Matter support, but they will never get an update support it
- they do not support setting the position in a finer granularity than 1% so tilt is only possible when the blinds are small enough so that 1% is a small enough step
Currently, the ESB62NP-IP/110-240V
is supported.
Topic: home/eltako/<device-name>
"position": 0
Topic: home/eltako/<device-name>/set
"position": 100
Topic: home/eltako/<device-name>/set
"action": "open"
Topic: home/eltako/<device-name>/set
"action": "close"
Topic: home/eltako/<device-name>/set
"action": "closeAndOpenBlinds"
Topic: home/eltako/<device-name>/set
"action": "tilt",
"position": 50
This will move the position to 50% and then tilt the blinds.
Example configuration:
"mqtt": {
"url": "tcp://",
"retain": true,
"topic": "home/eltako",
"qos": 2
"eltako": {
"devices": [
"ip": "",
"username": "admin",
"password": "123456789",
"name": "living-room",
"blindsConfig": {
"halfOpenPercentage": 2
"polling-interval": 120000
"loglevel": "trace"