Hello Greeting Everyone. Before you run this program in your terminal make sure you go through this document to the end.
- Pip install all the libraries given in the requirements.txt
- Make sure you installed cmake, dlib before face_Recognition else it will not install. If you are not able to install dlib, I have included the file in this repository. Go to the directory command line then pip install "dlib-19.22.99-cp310-cp310-win_amd64.whl". You are good to go.
- After you have installed all the libraries as mentioned above you have to change the directories in the respective files.
- Go to app.py then to line number 56 file_name_path ='Add your directory path of Photo folder within this file'
- Go to final_verify.py to line number 38 file_name_path and add the same path as in point 4
- Also you have to add your photo to verify your face, in final_verify.py go to line number 13, make a New folder with your name For example if your name is Krishna, make Folder named "Krishna" with a good quality picture of yours name "Krishna.jpg" in it.
- Then in final_verify.py in line number 26 known_face_names add your name respective to the encoding as above.(If there are 2 encodings, then there should be 2 names out there).
- Now you are ready to go.
- To start the program, Run app.py in the command line and go to the local host link generated.
- AI Based Face Recognition
- Device Security
- AirBoard - Virtual Drawing Board using Hand Gestures
- Readifyme - Scroll Pages using computer vision
- Gamestation - Play Snake Game using face recognition computer vision technology
- Attendance Board - See who logged into the system and when
Tech Stack:
- Backend- Flask
- Database – SQLAlchemy
- Technologies/libraries used – Numpy, OpeCV, Face_Recognition, Mediapipe, CVZONE, Pyautogui
Respective files and their functionalities:
- App.py – The main backend file using flask where all the routes are present and their respective functionalities.
- Final_verify.py – After the login page this verification comes into play and look for the face encodings of the respective user in the database for face verification.
- Air_frames_file.py – This is the program for airboard which uses opencv and mediapipe for hand encodings which helps you draw on the screen.
- Reading.py – It includes the program for readify me which uses opencv, mediapipe and pyautogui for the functioning.
- Snake_game.py – This is the game for computer vision snake game which uses cvzone, mediapipe, and opencv for the functionality.