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These are my dotfiles, the expected result after the installation should be look like this:


To install all the default dotfiles and themes use the Makefile:
make all tested only on linux.

For more options use make help.


By default tmux will use the plugins below and the powerline. The tmux plugin manager(tpm) will be auto-installed. To install all the other plugins use prefix + I

The expected tmux plugins tree will be like this:
├── tmux-resurrect
├── tmux-sensible
└── tpm

default vim

Here is the option to use default vim instead of spacevim or nvim. Vim package manager is pathogen.
You can install the default vim with make nospace

The expected plugins and vim tree will be like this:

├── autoload
│   └── pathogen.vim
├── bundle
│   ├── dracula-theme
│   ├── indentLine
│   ├── nerdtree
│   ├── tagbar
│   ├── vim-airline
│   ├── vim-airline-themes
│   ├── vim-go
│   └── YouCompleteMe
├── colors
│   ├── dracula.vim
│   └── PaperColor.vim
├── confs
│   ├── font
│   └── vimgo
├── paper
│   ├── colors
│   ├──
│   ├── LICENSE
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └── test


For some unkown reason yet, the option sidebar_direction = 'left', doesn't work anymore on spacevim toml.
To fix that, I changed .SpaceVim/config/plugins/nerdtree.vim in the line if get(g:, 'spacevim_filetree_direction', 'right') ==# 'right' to if get(g:, 'spacevim_filetree_direction', 'right') ==# 'left'
I will made a bether analisys on this case in future to fix this hardcode.
There is an issue for that here.


To configure i3 with i3blocks run make i3 or use the make all command as mentioned above.

Enjoy 😉 By: Isca