Netz is here to help setup bed nets in malariasimulation.
Much of the functionality within this package is based on the excellent bed net model by Bertozzi-Villa, Amelia, et al.Β Nature communications 12.1 (2021): 1-12, please check it out and make sure to cite appropriately if you use this package.
One of the key features of the netz package is to help conversions between the different metrics of net coverage and net numbers. These are defined throughout as:
Usage: The proportion of the population with a net who slept under it.
Access: The proportion of the population who live in a household where they could sleep under a bed net.
Crop: The number of nets in the population. Always expressed as nets per capita.
Distribution: The number of nets distributed. Always expressed as nets per capita per year.
Broadly, distribution will relate to the cost of the programme and usage the impact.
Not all of the metrics above are modelled within malariasimulation. We therefore need to be careful that out model inputs match our desired target usage when specifying bed nets. The schematic below will help in understanding how each of these elements relate to one another