To bring up the robot, you can use these command lines:
roslaunch air_moveit_config air_bringup.launch controller:=ros_control
roslaunch air_moveit_config air_bringup.launch
Add to command line bagfile:=true
for working with rosbag(camera).
If you want to run launch files in different terminals use these command lines:
This launch file runs MoveIt and hardware interface.
roslaunch air_moveit_config demo_ros_control.launch controller:=ros_control
This launch files runs Realsense Camera and nodes.
roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch
This launch files runs YoloV7 - object detection node.
roslaunch yolov7_ros yolov7.launch
This executables generates XYZ values of detected object and adds in planning scene.
This executable gets XY coordinates of detected object from /yolov7/yolov7
topic and generates XYZ value of that object according to camera. These values are published to /coordinates_of_object
rosrun air_moveit_config detect_and_add
This executable gets the coordinates of object from /coordinates_of_object
topic and adds to planning scene.
rosrun air_moveit_config add_sphere
roslaunch air_moveit_config air_mtc.launch
The workspace may not be created when you clone the ADS repository.