In this project we are going to recreate the C standard library printf function as a part of the curriculum of software engineering for the low-level programming module at Holberton School.
Our _printf function has as prototype :
int _printf(const char *format, ...);
This is a flowchart about the function printf.
- write (man 2 write)
- va_start (man 3 va_start)
- va_end (man 3 va_end)
- va_arg (man 3 va_arg)
Our code is compiled this way:
$ gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic *.c
All our files are tested using the Betty style.
To use the printf function you simply need to compile all files .c including the header main.h with a main function.
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "main.h"
* main - Entry point
* Return: Always 0
int main(void)
int len;
int len2;
unsigned int ui;
void *addr;
len = _printf("Let's try to printf a simple sentence.\n");
len2 = printf("Let's try to printf a simple sentence.\n");
ui = (unsigned int)INT_MAX + 1024;
addr = (void *)0x7ffe637541f0;
_printf("Length:[%d, %i]\n", len, len);
printf("Length:[%d, %i]\n", len2, len2);
_printf("Negative:[%d]\n", -762534);
printf("Negative:[%d]\n", -762534);
_printf("Unsigned:[%u]\n", ui);
printf("Unsigned:[%u]\n", ui);
_printf("Unsigned octal:[%o]\n", ui);
printf("Unsigned octal:[%o]\n", ui);
_printf("Unsigned hexadecimal:[%x, %X]\n", ui, ui);
printf("Unsigned hexadecimal:[%x, %X]\n", ui, ui);
_printf("Character:[%c]\n", 'H');
printf("Character:[%c]\n", 'H');
_printf("String:[%s]\n", "I am a string !");
printf("String:[%s]\n", "I am a string !");
_printf("Address:[%p]\n", addr);
printf("Address:[%p]\n", addr);
len = _printf("Percent:[%%]\n");
len2 = printf("Percent:[%%]\n");
_printf("Len:[%d]\n", len);
printf("Len:[%d]\n", len2);
return (0);
$ gcc *.c -o
Let's try to printf a simple sentence.
Let's try to printf a simple sentence.
Length:[39, 39]
Length:[39, 39]
Unsigned octal:[20000001777]
Unsigned octal:[20000001777]
Unsigned hexadecimal:[800003ff, 800003FF]
Unsigned hexadecimal:[800003ff, 800003FF]
String:[I am a string !]
String:[I am a string !]
In case of success _printf returns an integer value, wich is the total number of printed characters. Otherwise, _printf returns -1 (error).
Format tags used in _printf :
Specifiers | Printed As |
c | characters |
s | string of characters |
d or i | int to signed decimal |
R | string to rot 13 |
r | reversed string |
b | int to binary |
% | no conversion, writes '%' |
For more informations about format specifier check it in the C Programming Language book, page 126, 2nd Edition of: Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie
File | Description |
main.h | Header file contains all the prototypes |
functions.c | Contain functions for (c, s, i, d, %) |
itoa.c | Contain itoa function |
man_3_printf | Manual of printf |
printf.c | The printf function |
- Cesar Molina(
- Felipe Leon(