This is an open-source RISC-V soft-core microcontroller targeting the ZYBO FPGA board. It uses the Ibex RISC-V soft-core and the following features:
- AXI Bus
- Timer
- I2C
- RISC-V debug support (using the PULP RISC-V Debug Module) via JTAG pins on PMOD header JD; the pinouts are:
PMOD header JD | |
1 : TRST_N | 7 : TMS |
2 : TDO | 8 : TDI |
3 : | 9 : |
4 : TCK | 10 : RESET_N |
5 : GND | 11 : GND |
6 : VREF | 12 : VREF |
The architecture is presented in the following picture.
Component | Slice LUTs | Slice Registers | Slice | LUT as Logic | LUT as Memory |
Ibex | 2870 | 949 | 887 | 2822 | 48 |
Debugger | 1016 | 902 | 402 | 964 | 52 |
AXI | 294 | 376 | 242 | 294 | 0 |
I2C Master | 238 | 327 | 107 | 238 | 0 |
Timer | 208 | 204 | 95 | 208 | 0 |
The SDK is available here: EKKO SDK