FANET Groundstation
- FANET protocol specification
- Radio/Packet Code from
- receive 'Internet Weather' - e.g Holfuy stations
- send weather data to FANET
- relay weather data messages e.g. from SkyTraxx Windstations to Internet / Windy
- forward received tracks to
- APRS-IS servers
- DB via PHP call on HTTP server
- send Names for devices not sending type 2 packates on their own (like AirWhere or SoftRF)
- send Landmarks e.g. for takeoff or landing sites
- Documentation (sic)
- Remote control - e.g. via Telegram
- Messages
- relay FANET messages
- send messages to FANET receivers e.g. from Telegram
- Accident handling
- relay last know position of missed FANET device to an aletr channel
- forward other tracksource traffic to FANET
- support vehicle position from GPS source
- FLARM traffic - e.g. helicopters or gliders in local area
- Type 0 - ACK
- Type 1 - (Air)Tracking
- Type 2 - Name
- Type 3 - Message
- Type 4 - Service - Weather - relay Skytraxx Windstations
- Type 7 - Groundtracking
- Type 8 - Device Info - (old)
- Type 9 - Thermals
- Type A - Device Info - (new)
- Type 0 - ACK
- Type 1 - (Air)Tracking
- Type 2 - Name
- Type 3 - Message
- Type 4 - Service (Weatherdata from local Weatherstations)
- Type 5 - Landmarks
- Type 7 - Groundtracking
- aprs-is - weather-submit
- rapidjson
- rapidcsv
- httplib.h - Yuji Hirose
- libcurl
- TDequeConcurrent [email protected]
- wiringPi
- Raspberry Pi Model 4 / 3 / 0
- Dragino Lora/GPS HAT
- Tindy SX1276/LORA HAT
- sudo apt-get update
- activate SPI for SX1276 chip interface
- sudo apt-get install git
- sudo apt-get install cmake
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev
- cd /tmp
- wget
- sudo dpkg -i wiringpi-latest.deb
- sudo apt-get install libboost1.67-all
- in user work directory
- git clone
- cd MRFGS
- cmake CMakeLists.txt
- make
- edit config/MRFGS.json - some working defaults
- see: configuration file format
- create empty file ./MRFGS.lock in execution directory
start ./MRFGS
- will use ./config/MRFGS.json as default configuration
-c,--config <path to configuration file>
./log directory - everything.log
- on Linux level - e.g. in rc.local or rc.d