This is a software for implicit associates method, which was developed for RANEPA Cognitive Lab.
Made with Processing 3.5.3 using Java.
The project has lots of weak points, so, please: if you use it - improve it at least a bit.
- Download the latest version of Processing IDE
- Download the last version of Java
- Download this project, it has all the source code
- All of the project files must be inside of the folder named "Hope"
- Open pigpen.pde in Processing IDE
- Export the project as an application
Processing will generate a folder(s) with executibles and everything you need to run this project. After that, proceed using it just as any other app.
The app saves all recordings in the *.csv files in the root folder of the app. Column separator is ",", line separator is LF.
It sores 2 *.csv files - one for all participants' info, the other one for participant's test info.
- ID - participant's/computer ID (chosen by the experimenter)
- SEX - participant's sex (male/female)
- AGE - participant's age
- FIELD - participant's field of study/work
Second file is composed of date, time and participant's/computer ID: d_m_YYYY_h_m_s_ID.csv:
- ID - participant's/computer ID
- ACTION - state of the program. Possible values:
- START - program start
- SSTART* - session start
- SHOWCROSS - the program is showing "+" on the screen
- SHOWSTIM - the program is showing stimulus and categories on the screen, participant can answer
- (L)ANS(1/2) - (Late) answer for category 1/2
- TIME - timespamp (ms since the start of the app)
- SESSION - number of the current session
- STIMNUMSES - order of the stimulus in the current session
- STIMNUMLIST - order of the stimulus in the list of stimuli. First digit is the number of a stimuli array, second digit is the number of a stimulus inside this array
- CORANS - number of the correct answer