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Releases: mrphys/tensorflow-nufft

TensorFlow NUFFT 0.12.0

29 Nov 16:35
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Release 0.12.0

This release is compiled against TensorFlow 2.11.

Major Features and Improvements

  • Added support for 1D transforms to the GPU kernel.

TensorFlow NUFFT 0.11.0

12 Oct 16:29
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Release 0.11.0

Major Features and Improvements

  • Added new option points_range to control the range supported by the
    algorithm. This option provides a trade-off between flexibility and
  • Added new option debugging.check_points_range to assert that the input
    points lie within the supported range.

Bug Fixes and Other Changes

  • nufft type-1 will now raise an error when source and points have
    incompatible samples dimensions. Previously the computation would have
    proceeded, ignoring any additional samples in source.
  • Improved error reporting for invalid grid_shape arguments. nufft will
    now raise an informative error when grid_shape has an invalid length or
    when the user fails to provide it for type-1 transforms. Previously, nufft
    would have behaved erratically or crashed.

TensorFlow NUFFT 0.10.1

26 Sep 17:07
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Release 0.10.1

Bug Fixes and Other Changes

  • Fixed a bug where the options where not being passed to the NUFFT op when
    computing the gradient with respect to the points.

TensorFlow NUFFT 0.10.0

07 Sep 17:46
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Release 0.10.0

This release bumps the supported TF version to v2.10.x.

TensorFlow NUFFT 0.9.0

05 Sep 16:02
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Release 0.9.0

Major Features and Improvements

  • Added new class Options to be passed to nufft to specify advanced options.
  • Added new argument options to nufft to allow specifying advanced options.

Bug Fixes and Other Changes

  • FFTW planning rigor now defaults to MEASURE instead of ESTIMATE, but this
    can now be changed via the Options mechanism.

TensorFlow NUFFT 0.8.1

23 Jun 16:54
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Release 0.8.1

Bug Fixes and Other Changes

  • We now use TensorFlow's stream executor to perform FFTs.
  • This library should now be fully usable in systems without a CUDA
    installation (CPU only).

TensorFlow NUFFT 0.8.0

20 May 13:36
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Release 0.8.0

This release bumps the supported TensorFlow version to 2.9.0.

Bug Fixes and Other Changes

  • Like core TensorFlow, we now compile with _GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=1.
  • Like core TensorFlow, Python wheels now conform to manylinux2014, an upgrade
    from manylinux2010.
  • The op library now links against the static form of the CUDA runtime
  • FINUFFT code is now fully integrated.

Known Caveats

  • The op library does not link against the the static cuFFT library, which will
    result in unresolved symbol errors when used in a system without a CUDA
    installation. This will be addressed in a future release (see also issue #24).

TensorFlow NUFFT 0.7.3

04 May 09:31
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Release 0.7.3

Bug Fixes and Other Changes

  • Fixed an uninitialized memory issue in the GPU implementation of the
    spread op that would occasionally result in the computation returning
    NaNs or incorrect results.

Thanks to our Contributors

This release contains contributions by chaithyagr_.

.. _chaithyagr:

TensorFlow NUFFT 0.7.2

29 Apr 18:20
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Release 0.7.2

Bug Fixes and Other Changes

  • Fixed a race condition in the GPU implementation that would occasionally
    result in the computation returning NaNs or incorrect results.

Thanks to our Contributors

This release contains contributions by
chaithyagr <>_.

TensorFlow NUFFT 0.7.1

06 Apr 16:53
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Release 0.7.1

Bug Fixes and Other Changes

  • Fixed a bug in computation of the gradient with respect to points that would
    result in incorrect gradients when passed a complex-valued upstream gradient.