This repo is now DEPRECATED ! please migrate @fmartinou's fork :
As many of you knew, i created tydom2mqtt for my own needs and with my little skills (i'm a paramedic guys ! :D), i will continue to work on the said fork.
Thanks again to @fmartinou for his help and contributions ! And thanks to all of you who made PRs to keep that project growing !
UPDATED hassio addon :
Link a Delta Dore Tydom hub to an mqtt broker.
Forked from mrwiwi/tydom2mqtt with the following improvements:
- Multi-arch lighter Docker images
- Travis continuous integration
- Python PEP8 code style enforcement
- Boiler
mode - Better default values
- Improved documentation
Deltadore doesn't provide any public API so this project is a humble try to fix that injustice.
Hardware is so good, that's really a shame !
Push event based (websocket) to instantly get changes (inspired by tydom_python)
Out-of-the-box Home-Assistant integration thanks to Mqtt discovery
Automatic reconnection to Tydom on connection drop
Automatic reconnection to the Mqtt broker on connection drop
- MQTT broker (Mosquitto, MQTT Home-Assistant addon...)
- Docker engine (for Docker users)
- Hass-io (for users)
tydom2mqtt can be configured by using the following environment variables.
Environment variable | Required | Supported values | Default value when missing |
TYDOM_MAC | 🔴 | Tydom MAC address (starting with 001A... ) |
TYDOM_PASSWORD | 🔴 | Tydom password | |
TYDOM_IP | ⚪ | Tydom IPv4 address or FQDN | |
TYDOM_ALARM_PIN | ⚪ | Tydom Alarm PIN | None |
TYDOM_ALARM_HOME_ZONE | ⚪ | Tydom alarm home zone | 1 |
TYDOM_ALARM_NIGHT_ZONE | ⚪ | Tydom alarm night zone | 2 |
MQTT_HOST | ⚪ | Mqtt broker IPv4 or FQDN | localhost |
MQTT_PORT | ⚪ | Mqtt broker port | 1883 |
MQTT_USER | ⚪ | Mqtt broker user if authentication is enabled | None |
MQTT_PASSWORD | ⚪ | Mqtt broker password if authentication is enabled | None |
MQTT_SSL | ⚪ | Mqtt broker ssl enabled | false |
Use this addon repository.
That's all! (thanks to Mqtt auto discovery, no further configuration needed)
Run fmartinou/tydom2mqtt
with the appropriate environment variables.
N.B. The Docker image is working on the arm/v6
, arm/v7
, arm64/v8
, amd64
# Docker-Compose example
version: '3'
image: fmartinou/tydom2mqtt
container_name: tydom2mqtt
- TYDOM_MAC=001A2502ACE8
- TYDOM_PASSWORD=azerty123456789
In october 2021, Deltadore has released a new version of its Tydom app (v4+) preventing to set or reset the Tydom password.
To set/reset your password, better download the previous version (v3+) which still allows to do it (Aptoide link).
If you're concerned about your privacy, you can perform the following actions:
- Configure you router to forbid your Tydom hub to access internet
- Find your tydom local IP address and use it as
- Alarm motion sensor activity isn't reported but when the alarm is fired then you get a cdata message so you can get the info (only when alarm is armed, pending and triggered).
- Fix parsing of cdata msg type (will not crash anymore in the meantime), coming from an action from an alarm remote (and probably other things), we can get which remote had an action on alarm with it.
- Fork it to a proper Home Assistant integration with clean on-boarding
- Add climate, garagedoor, etc.
- Build a web frontend to see and test (use frontail for now)
- Create a GitHub issue for bug reports, feature requests, or questions
- Add a ⭐️ star on GitHub to support the project!
Please find here the developer guide
Please find here the changelog
This project is licensed under the MIT license.