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Consensus character reconstruction (#180)
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ms609 authored Feb 17, 2025
1 parent eab8d03 commit 017f041
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Showing 11 changed files with 711 additions and 86 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion DESCRIPTION
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Package: TreeSearch
Title: Phylogenetic Analysis with Discrete Character Data
Authors@R: c(
"Martin R.", 'Smith',
Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ S3method(MaximumLength,phyDat)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -140,8 +143,10 @@ importFrom(TreeTools,AddUnconstrained)
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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
# TreeSearch (2025-02)

- `PlotCharacter()` performs ancestral state reconstruction on consensus trees

# TreeSearch (2025-02)

- Support for ordered (additive) characters
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279 changes: 215 additions & 64 deletions R/PlotCharacter.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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#' modified Fitch algorithm presented in
#' \insertCite{Brazeau2019;textual}{TreeSearch}.
#' @template treeParam
#' @param tree A bifurcating tree of class `phylo`, or a list or `multiPhylo`
#' object containing such trees.
#' @template datasetParam
#' @param char Index of character to plot.
#' @param updateTips Logical; if `FALSE`, tips will be labelled with their
Expand All @@ -17,12 +18,17 @@
#' [graphical parameter] for details of line styles. Overrides `tokenCol`.
#' @param tipOffset Numeric: how much to offset tips from their labels.
#' @param unitEdge Logical: Should all edges be plotted with a unit length?
#' @param Display Function that takes argument `tree` and returns a tree
#' of class `phylo`, formatted as it will be plotted.
#' @param \dots Further arguments to pass to `plot.phylo()`.
#' @return `PlotCharacter()` invisibly returns a matrix in which each row
#' corresponds to a numbered tip or node of `tree`, and each column corresponds
#' to a token; the tokens that might parsimoniously be present at each point
#' on a tree are denoted with `TRUE`.
#' If multiple trees are supplied, the strict consensus of all trees and
#' reconstructions will be returned; i.e. if a node is reconstructed as $0$
#' in one tree, and $2$ in another, it will be labelled $(02)$.
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
Expand All @@ -48,24 +54,49 @@
#' @importFrom graphics par
#' @importFrom TreeTools PostorderOrder
#' @export
PlotCharacter <- function (tree, dataset, char = 1L,
updateTips = FALSE,
plot = TRUE,

tokenCol = NULL,
ambigCol = "grey",
inappCol = "lightgrey",

ambigLty = "dotted",
inappLty = "dashed",
plainLty = par("lty"),

tipOffset = 1,
unitEdge = FALSE,
...) {
PlotCharacter <- function(tree, dataset, char = 1L,
updateTips = FALSE,
plot = TRUE,

tokenCol = NULL,
ambigCol = "grey",
inappCol = "lightgrey",

ambigLty = "dotted",
inappLty = "dashed",
plainLty = par("lty"),

tipOffset = 1,
unitEdge = FALSE,
Display = function(tree) tree,
) {

#' @rdname PlotCharacter
#' @export
PlotCharacter.phylo <- function(tree, dataset, char = 1L,
updateTips = FALSE,
plot = TRUE,

tokenCol = NULL,
ambigCol = "grey",
inappCol = "lightgrey",

ambigLty = "dotted",
inappLty = "dashed",
plainLty = par("lty"),

tipOffset = 1,
unitEdge = FALSE,
Display = function(tree) tree,
) {

# Reconcile labels
datasetTaxa <- names(dataset)
tree <- Display(tree)
treeTaxa <- tree[["tip.label"]]
if(!all(treeTaxa %fin% datasetTaxa)) {
stop("Taxa in tree missing from dataset:\n ",
Expand All @@ -81,6 +112,9 @@ PlotCharacter <- function (tree, dataset, char = 1L,
nNode <- tree[["Nnode"]]
nTip <- NTip(tree)
if (nNode != nTip - 1) {
stop("`tree` must be bifurcating. Try TreeTools::MakeTreeBinary(tree).")
edge <- tree[["edge"]][postorder, ]
parent <- edge[, 1]
child <- edge[, 2]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -346,56 +380,173 @@ PlotCharacter <- function (tree, dataset, char = 1L,
anywhere <- as.logical(colSums(state[hasToken, , drop = FALSE]))
slimState <- state[, anywhere, drop = FALSE]
if (plot) {
tokens <- colnames(slimState)
if (is.null(tokenCol)) {
tokenCol <- tokens
tokenCol[tokens != "-"] <- c("#00bfc6",
"#60b17f")[seq_along(setdiff(tokens, "-"))]
tokenCol[tokens == "-"] <- inappCol
nodeStyle <- apply(slimState, 1, function (tkn) {
if (length(tkn) == 0) {
c(col = ambigCol, lty = ambigLty)
} else if (sum(tkn) > 1L) {
c(col = ambigCol, lty = ambigLty)
} else {
c(col = tokenCol[tkn],
lty = ifelse(tokens[tkn] == "-", inappLty, plainLty))
if (unitEdge) {
tree[["edge.length"]] <- rep_len(1, dim(tree[["edge"]])[1])
node.color = nodeStyle["col", , drop = FALSE],
node.lty = nodeStyle["lty", , drop = FALSE],
label.offset = tipOffset,

NodeText <- function (n) {
if (length(n) == 0 || (
sum(n) > 1L && all(n[anywhere & names(n) != "-"]))) {
} else {
paste0(levels[n], collapse = "")
nodelabels(apply(state, 1, NodeText),
seq_len(nTip + nNode), bg = nodeStyle["col", , drop = FALSE])

if (isTRUE(plot)) {
.PlotCharacter(tree, nTip, state, levels, tokenCol, ambigCol, inappCol,
ambigLty, inappLty, plainLty, tipOffset, unitEdge, ...)

# Return:

.PlotCharacter <- function(tree, nTip, state, tokens,
tokenCol, ambigCol, inappCol,
ambigLty, inappLty, plainLty,
tipOffset, unitEdge, ...) {
tokens <- colnames(state)

hasToken <- if (length(setdiff(colnames(state), "-")) > 1L) {
as.logical(rowSums(!state[, colnames(state) != "-", drop = FALSE]))
} else {
anywhere <- as.logical(colSums(state[hasToken, , drop = FALSE]))
slimState <- state[, anywhere, drop = FALSE]

if (is.null(tokenCol)) {
tokenCol <- tokens
tokenCol[tokens != "-"] <- c("#00bfc6",
"#60b17f")[seq_along(setdiff(tokens, "-"))]
tokenCol[tokens == "-"] <- inappCol
nodeStyle <- apply(state, 1, function (tkn) {
if (length(tkn) == 0) {
c(col = ambigCol, lty = ambigLty)
} else if (sum(tkn) > 1L) {
c(col = ambigCol, lty = ambigLty)
} else {
c(col = tokenCol[tkn],
lty = ifelse(tokens[tkn] == "-", inappLty, plainLty))
if (unitEdge) {
tree[["edge.length"]] <- rep_len(1, dim(tree[["edge"]])[1])
node.color = nodeStyle["col", , drop = FALSE],
node.lty = nodeStyle["lty", , drop = FALSE],
label.offset = tipOffset,

.NodeText <- function (n) {
if (length(n) == 0 || (
sum(n) > 1L && all(n[anywhere & names(n) != "-"]))) {
} else {
paste0(tokens[n], collapse = "")
nodelabels(apply(state, 1, .NodeText),
seq_len(nTip + tree[["Nnode"]]),
bg = nodeStyle["col", , drop = FALSE])

#' @rdname PlotCharacter
#' @importFrom TreeTools as.Splits Consensus DescendantTips TipLabels
#' @export
PlotCharacter.multiPhylo <- function(tree, dataset, char = 1L,
updateTips = FALSE,
plot = TRUE,

tokenCol = NULL,
ambigCol = "grey",
inappCol = "lightgrey",

ambigLty = "dotted",
inappLty = "dashed",
plainLty = par("lty"),

tipOffset = 1,
unitEdge = FALSE,
Display = function(tree) tree,
...) {

if (length(tree) == 1) {
return(PlotCharacter(tree[[1]], dataset, char, updateTips, plot,
tokenCol, ambigCol, inappCol,
ambigLty, inappLty, plainLty,
tipOffset, unitEdge, Display, ...))

tipLabels <- unique(lapply(lapply(tree, TipLabels), sort))
if (length(tipLabels) != 1) {
stop("All trees must have the same tip labels")
tipLabels <- tipLabels[[1]]
nTip <- length(tipLabels)
tokens <- attr(dataset, "levels")
reconstructions <- lapply(tree, PlotCharacter,
dataset = dataset, char = char,
updateTips = updateTips, plot = FALSE,
Display = function(tree) tree, ...)
# Check labels: definitely identical, possibly in different sequence
consTree <- Display(Consensus(tree, p = 1, check.labels = TRUE))
.TreeClades <- function(tr) {
ed <- tr[["edge"]]
lab <- TipLabels(tr)
apply(DescendantTips(ed[, 1], ed[, 2],
node = seq_len(nTip + tr[["Nnode"]])),
1, function (tips) {
paste0(sort(lab[tips]), collapse = " @||@ ")
consClades <- .TreeClades(consTree)
.Recon <- function(i) {
match(consClades, .TreeClades(tree[[i]])), , drop = FALSE]
recon <- matrix(FALSE, nrow = length(consClades), ncol = length(tokens),
dimnames = list(NULL, tokens))
for (i in seq_along(tree)) {
ri <- .Recon(i)
recon[, colnames(ri)] <- recon[, colnames(ri)] | ri

if (isTRUE(plot)) {
.PlotCharacter(consTree, nTip, recon, tokens, tokenCol, ambigCol, inappCol,
ambigLty, inappLty, plainLty, tipOffset, unitEdge, ...)


#' @rdname PlotCharacter
#' @export
PlotCharacter.list <- function(tree, dataset, char = 1L,
updateTips = FALSE,
plot = TRUE,

tokenCol = NULL,
ambigCol = "grey",
inappCol = "lightgrey",

ambigLty = "dotted",
inappLty = "dashed",
plainLty = par("lty"),

tipOffset = 1,
unitEdge = FALSE,
Display = function(tree) tree,
) {
if (all(vapply(tree, inherits, logical(1), "phylo"))) {
PlotCharacter.multiPhylo(tree, dataset, char, updateTips, plot,
tokenCol, ambigCol, inappCol,
ambigLty, inappLty, plainLty,
tipOffset, unitEdge, Display, ...)
} else {
stop("Elements of `tree` must be of class `phylo`")

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