Welcome to "HTML5 Apps and Games"
Course outline, grading and due dates
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About W3C and the Web
Why accessibility is important
Why internationalization is important
1.1 Video introduction - Week 1
1.2 The Timed Text Track API
1.3 Advanced features for audio and video players
1.4 Creating tracks on the fly, syncing HTML content with a video
1.5 The Web Audio API
1.6 Exercises - Week 1
2.1 Video introduction - Week 2
2.2 Basic concepts of HTML5 game development
2.3 A simple game framework: graphics, animations and interactions
2.4 Time-based animation
2.5 Animating multiple objects, collision detection
2.6 Sprite-based animation
2.7 Game states
2.8 Exercises - Week 2
3.1 Video introduction - Week 3
3.2 File API and Ajax / XHR2 requests
3.3 Drag and drop: the basics
3.4 Drag and drop: working with files
3.5 Forms and files
3.6 IndexedDB
3.7 Conclusion on client-side persistence
3.8 Exercises - Week 3
4.1 Video introduction - Week 4
4.2 Web Components
4.3 Web Workers
4.4 The Orientation and Device Motion APIs
4.5 Where to from here?
4.6 Final exam