R and shiny based tool to visualize results produced by the integrated land-use/transport models SILO.
At least R 3.6.1 is required to install the packages and run the tool Install all the latest versions of the packages (Except ShinyDashboardPlus)
Due to an extensive update of ShinyDashboardPlus package, it is necessary to install the 0.7.5 version
You can install it using the next command
install.packages("http://cran.salud.gob.sv/src/contrib/00Archive/shinydashboardPlus/shinydashboardPlus_0.7.5.tar.gz", repo=NULL, type="source")
Visualize spatial and aspatial model variables and compare scenarios. The zone-related variables can be visualized using the "click on map" function. The scenarios can be changed in order to compare different scenarios.
Open the msm-visualizer.R and then open the visualizer_2/ui.r. After that, click on "Run app"
Once the application is open, look for the desired example in the use_cases folder and select one scenario folder. To compare scenarios, click the checkbox "Compare scenarios" and select the folder corresponding to the second scenario.
If you change the implementation, the map will automatically change.
You can explore the tool with the two available use cases:
- Munich
- Kagawa
You can also load your own scenarios based on SILO outputs. To load your own use case, please follow the next steps:
- Create your own implementation folder in the use_cases folder. It is recommendable to use a 3-letter name (f.e. muc)
- In your new folder, create a new folder for each scenario you want to visualize, paste the output .csv files (the full list of .csv files is in the "scenarios" section)
- In the implementation folder, create a new folder called "zone_shapefile", and paste your zones shapefile
The shapefile must be named as "zone_system.shp" and must contain at least the columns:
- shp_id
- shp_muni
- shp_area
Any question regarding the reference system or columns data type please refeer to the examples
This visualizer works with the new SILO output style, even though not all the tables are needed, the recommended csv files are:
- aveHhSize.csv
- carOwnership.csv
- commutingDistance.csv
- dwellingQualityLevel.csv
- dwellings.csv
- eventCounts.csv
- hhAveIncome.csv
- hhRentAndIncome.csv
- hhSize.csv
- hhType.csv
- jobsBySectorAndRegion.csv
- labourParticipationRate.csv
- landRegions.csv
- persByRace.csv
- persMigrants.csv
- popYear.csv
- regionAvailableLand.csv
- regionAvCommutingTime.csv
- resultFileSpatial.csv
Please check the examples to get details about the data structure.
If you want to use the scenario tool, make sure to have the same .csv file types in each scenario and also have the same time horizon.
Please contact Rafael Muñoz by slack (Rafael Muñoz) or email: [email protected]. He will contact you as soon as possible.