Repository for hosting security related PowerShell scripts.
Leverage the GetAccessToken.ps1 script to acquire an access token.
Follow my guide if you are unfamiliar with the Secure Application Model Process:
- AuditLog.Read.All,Directory.Read.All
- DeviceManagementServiceConfig.Read.All, DeviceManagementManagedDevices.Read.All
Get-DataProtectionSettings -SharePointTenantSettings.Read.All
Get-CAPExcludedUsers -Directory.Read.All,Policy.Read.All,GroupMember.ReadWrite.All
Get-MFAStats -Directory.Read.All,Policy.Read.All,AuditLog.Read.All
Get Anonymous Links
- Traverse to the file path where the script is located
- Run the file and specify the SharePoint URL you want to run the assessment on. Specify the name of the tenant you will be running the assessment on as well
- Sign in and consent with a Global admin in that tenant. -You will be prompted to review the report if there are any records returned.
- Traverse to the file path where the script is located
- Provide the user you want to investigate by UPN and enter the secrets + Tenant ID
- The Script will provide any log records related to recent MFA changes/registration, registered devices, or applications the user has consented to.
- Run the script
- Provide your Secure Application Model secrets to get an AccessToken
- Provide your Desired File Path for Output
- The Script will provide a CSV of all Intune Devices
Get-DataProtectionSettings -This Script collects SharePoint Settings, DLP Policies, Retention Policies, Information Protection Labels, and Label Policies -Review the prerequisite of setting up the Secure Application Model prior to running the script to get the secrets you will need to acquire an access token.
- Run the script
- Provide a UPN of a Global Admin that can connect to Security and Compliance PowerShell ex: [email protected] (no quotes)
- Provide your Secure Application Model secrets to get an AccessToken
- The Script will provide a JSON of all policy information in the Temp folder of you C Drive
Get-CAPExcludedUsers -This script records all users being excluded from each conditional access policy in a tenant. This includes direct exclusions or exclusions as part of a group. This script should help you identify any misconfigurations in policies. Generally, you should not have licensed users excluded in your policy definition.
- CD into the file path you want to have the CSV file output
- Use the GetAccessToken.ps1 script to get an AccessToken for the script.
- Provide your Secure Application Model secrets to get an AccessToken
- Run the script
- The Script will output a CSV file in the location you navigate to
Get-MFAStats -This script records all users MFA registration details including what primary MFA method a user leverages.Make sure you follow the readME if you have not already to get your Secure application model secrets.
- CD into the file path you want to have the CSV file output
- Run the script
- Provide your Secure Application Model secrets to get an AccessToken
- The Script will output a CSV file in the location you navigate to