A simple API which generates four (4) types of printable random objects and store them in a single file, each object will be separated by a ",". These are the 4 objects: alphabetical strings, real numbers, integers, alphanumerics.
Sample extracted output:
hisadfnnasd, 126263, assfdgsga12348fas, 13123.123, lizierdjfklaasf, 123192u3kjwekhf, 89181811238,122, nmarcysfa900jkifh , 3.781, 2.11, ....
Output file size is limit by an app level config variable named OUTPUT_FILE_MAX_SIZE
URL to access the application is localhost:5000
The application provide three different APIs:
- generate - To generate the required file on server
- download - To download the generated file
- report - To calculate number of different objects in the generated file