I’m Marco Túlio Quintino, Associate Professor (Maître de Conférences) in computer science at Sorbonne Université, Paris, France. I'm a member of the Quantum Information team at LIP6, a joint research instute of Sorbonne Université and CNRS.
My main research is in the field of quantum information and quantum computation, in particular: quantum correlations, causality in quantum theory, higher-order quantum operations, Bell nonlocality, quantum steering, entanglement, measurement incompatibility, quantum discrimination tasks, and Semidefinite Programming.
I use this space in GitHub mainly to host and share the computational code used I develop for my papers and my research. Please don’t hesitate in contacting me if you spot any sort of bug or if you want to discuss any particular code. =)
All my scientific papers are available at arXiv and some statistics involving them can be found at my Google Scholar.
You can find more information about me and my research at my personal website: https://mtcq.github.io.