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A simple centralised scheduler for Map-Reduce jobs.

Setting up the environment

Create a Python3 virtual environment.

pip3 install python3-venv  OR  pip3 install virtualenv 
python3 -m venv name-of-env  

Activate the virtual environment

source name-of-env/bin/activate  

Clone this repository.

git clone  
cd yacs  

Install the dependencies.

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

To configure the number of Workers and their attributes (workerID, number of slots, port numbers, host IPs), edit the config.json using any text editor

Run all algorithms using

This script runs all the algorithms and performs analysis on each of them, including drawing comparisons. This script rewrites the logs and graphs directories. It ensures the addresses used by the processes are released and the processes are terminated.

./ <starting worker_id> <starting port> <number of workers>

For the default config.json the above command would translate to:

./ 1 4000 3

It's important to note that the shell script does not read from the config.json file, but assumes a series of worker_id and port numbers being used. The number of workers to be specified must be the same as the number of entries in the config.json file.

Run the processes individually on different terminals

1. Running the processes

Run the following on a terminal tab for the Master process. The path to the config file, and the scheduling algorithm (RANDOM, RR, LL) are given to the Master as command line arguments.

python3 /path/to/config.json <scheduling_algo> 

Run the following on n terminal tabs for n Worker processes. The port and worker_id are supplied as command line arguments to each Worker.

python3 <port> <worker_id>  

In a separate terminal tab, initiate job requests by running:

python3 <number_of_requests>

2. Analytics

Run the following after completing task executions.

python3 <args>
args        meaning
current     to generate graphs (tasks vs time; jobs vs time; running tasks in each worker vs time) for the most recently generated logs
ALL         to generate comparison graphs for mean and median times for the last 3 scheduling algorithms. To be used after calling `python3 current` for the 3 scheduling algorithms (RANDOM, RR, LL)  

To view the generated graphs:

cd graphs

3. To stop all running Master and Workers Run this command in a separate terminal tab.
WARNING - Doing so will stop other currently running python3 scripts

pkill python3

Simple check to see all python processes that are currently running:

ps au | grep python3

The processes can be individually stopped manually by pressing the keys Ctrl+C two times.

Deactivate the environment

To deactivate the environment, run:



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