Click this link Demo.
- Frontend: Bootstrap, jQuery.js, Vue.js, CKEditor.
- Backend: Node.js: Koa, Sequelize, EJS.
- Database&Cache: MySQL, Redis.
- API Design: RESTful API Design.
This web app dependent on Node.js, MySQL, Redis.
error code | description |
1000 | there is no token in both the http request header field 'Authorization' and query string 'Authorization' |
1001 | wrong token (can not decode the token) |
1002 | token out of date |
1003 | token do not exists, please log in again (token can not find in redis) |
1004 | username or password is not correct (when log in) |
1005 | insufficient permission (when someone want to pass the permission filter, but failed) |
error code | description |
2000 | username, password, penName, groupName is required and must be not void (when create new user, but some info dont included in request body) |
2001 | username exists (want to update username or create new user, but the username is exist, so failed) |
2002 | penName exists (want to update penName or create new user, but the penName is exist, so failed) |
2003 | group don't exists |
2004 | add user failed (In most cases, this is a server error) |
2005 | update user failed (In most cases, this is a server error) |
2006 | this item cannot be empty can't be void (when update user's username, penName, password) |
2007 | change user's group failed (In most cases, this is a server error) |
2008 | delete user failed (In most cases, this is a server error) |
error code | description |
3000 | title, tag, content is required, and must be not void (when create new article, but some info dont included in request body) |
3001 | add article fialed (In most cases, this is a server error) |
3002 | this item cannot be empty can't be void (when update article's title, tag) |
3003 | update article failed (In most cases, this is a server error) |
3004 | delete article failed (In most cases, this is a server error) |
error code | description |
4000 | add tag fialed (In most cases, this is a server error) |
4001 | tag's name can not be void (when update a tag's info or create a new tag but the tag's name to void will trigger this error) |
4002 | update tag failed (In most cases, this is a server error) |
4003 | delete tag failed (In most cases, this is a server error) |
4004 | this tag name already exists (when update or create) |
error code | description |
5000 | groupName can not be void (when create or update) |
5001 | this group name already exists (when update or create) |
5002 | create group failed (In most cases, this is a server error) |
5003 | update group failed(In most cases, this is a server error) |
5004 | delete group failed (In most cases, this is a server error) |