The official GoGoPool data harvesting daemon.
Why the name?
Ceres is the Roman god of harvest.
git clone
cd ceres
just dev-setup
$ just --list
Available recipes:
default # default task
copy-contracts artifacts="../gogopool-contracts/artifacts" # copies the contracts.json file from the specified hardhat artifacts directory
build # builds the executable
build-docker # builds the docker image
run-docker mode="stout" # runs the executable in docker
up mode="dev" # starts the daemon. Specify mode=prod to run in production mode (without grafana)
logs mode="dev" # shows daemon logs
down mode="dev" # stops the daemon
compile # alias for build
clean # cleans the build artifacts
run # runs the executable in stout mode
serve # runs the executable in serve mode
dump # runs the executable in dump mode
add mode="dashboard" name="" # adds a new deployment or dashboard