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flbulgarelli committed May 2, 2019
1 parent 8402f2c commit a13a912
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Showing 2 changed files with 59 additions and 51 deletions.
62 changes: 30 additions & 32 deletions src/Language/Mulang/Analyzer/Autocorrector.hs
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@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
module Language.Mulang.Analyzer.Autocorrector (autocorrect) where

import Language.Mulang.Analyzer.Analysis
import Language.Mulang.Analyzer.Synthesizer (encodeUsageInspection, encodeDeclarationInspection)
import Language.Mulang.Analyzer.Synthesizer (generateOperatorEncodingRules, generateInspectionEncodingRules)

import Language.Mulang.Ast (Operator)
import Language.Mulang.Operators (Token, OperatorsTable, buildOperatorsTable)
import Language.Mulang.Operators.Haskell (haskellTokensTable)
import Language.Mulang.Operators.Ruby (rubyTokensTable)
Expand All @@ -20,9 +19,10 @@ import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
-- 1. fills originalLanguage when it is not present but can be inferred from the code sample
-- 2. fills the autocorrectionRules when they are not present but can be inferred from the originalLanguage
-- 3. corrects the expectations' inspections using the autocorrectionRules
-- 4. fills the domainLanguage rules when it is not present but can be inferred from the originalLanguage
-- 5. fills the domainLanguage's caseStyle when it is not present but can be inferred from the originalLanguage
-- 3. aguments the autocorrectionRules with operators-based rules when they can be inferred from the originalLanguage
-- 4. corrects the expectations' inspections using the autocorrectionRules
-- 5. fills the domainLanguage rules when it is not present but can be inferred from the originalLanguage
-- 6. fills the domainLanguage's caseStyle when it is not present but can be inferred from the originalLanguage
autocorrect :: Analysis -> Analysis
autocorrect (Analysis f s@(AnalysisSpec { originalLanguage = Just _ })) = Analysis f (autocorrectSpec s)
autocorrect (Analysis f@(CodeSample { language = l } ) s) = autocorrect (Analysis f s { originalLanguage = Just l }) -- (1)
Expand All @@ -44,31 +44,28 @@ rulesFix l s = do
AnalysisSpec { autocorrectionRules = Nothing } <- Just s
return s { autocorrectionRules = Just (inferAutocorrectionRules l) }

rulesAgumentationFix :: Fix
rulesAgumentationFix :: Fix -- (3)
rulesAgumentationFix l s = do
AnalysisSpec { autocorrectionRules = Just rules } <- Just s
return s { autocorrectionRules = Just (augment rules (inferOperatorsTable l)) }
return s { autocorrectionRules = Just (augmentRules rules (inferOperatorsTable l)) }
augment :: AutocorrectionRules -> OperatorsTable -> AutocorrectionRules
augment rules tokens = Map.fromList (Map.toList rules ++ (concatMap encodeEntry . Map.toList) tokens)
augmentRules :: AutocorrectionRules -> OperatorsTable -> AutocorrectionRules
augmentRules rules tokens = Map.fromList (Map.toList rules ++ (concatMap generateOperatorEncodingRules . Map.toList) tokens)

encodeEntry :: (Token, Operator) -> [(Inspection, Inspection)]
encodeEntry (token, operator) = concatMap (\(k, v) -> [(k, v), ("Not:" ++ k, "Not:" ++ v)]) [("Uses:" ++ token, encodeUsageInspection operator), ("Declares:" ++ token, encodeDeclarationInspection operator)]

expectationsFix :: Fix -- (3)
expectationsFix :: Fix -- (4)
expectationsFix _ s = do
AnalysisSpec { expectations = Just es } <- Just s
return s { expectations = Just (map autocorrectExpectation es) }
autocorrectExpectation :: Expectation -> Expectation
autocorrectExpectation (Expectation b i) = Expectation b . fromMaybe i . Map.lookup i . justAutocorrectionRules $ s

emptyDomainLanguageFix :: Fix -- (4)
emptyDomainLanguageFix :: Fix -- (5)
emptyDomainLanguageFix _ s = do
AnalysisSpec { domainLanguage = Nothing } <- Just s
return s { domainLanguage = Just emptyDomainLanguage }

domainLanguageCaseStyleFix :: Fix -- (5)
domainLanguageCaseStyleFix :: Fix -- (6)
domainLanguageCaseStyleFix l s = do
AnalysisSpec { domainLanguage = Just dl } <- Just s
DomainLanguage { caseStyle = Nothing } <- Just dl
Expand All @@ -79,13 +76,15 @@ domainLanguageCaseStyleFix l s = do
type Inference a = Language -> a

inferOperatorsTable :: Inference OperatorsTable
inferOperatorsTable = buildOperatorsTable . inferOperatorsTable'
inferOperatorsTable = buildOperatorsTable . table
inferOperatorsTable' Haskell = haskellTokensTable
inferOperatorsTable' Java = javaTokensTable
inferOperatorsTable' Ruby = rubyTokensTable
inferOperatorsTable' Python = pythonTokensTable
inferOperatorsTable' _ = Map.empty
table Haskell = haskellTokensTable
table Java = javaTokensTable
table Ruby = rubyTokensTable
table Python = pythonTokensTable
table Python2 = pythonTokensTable
table Python3 = pythonTokensTable
table _ = Map.empty

inferCaseStyle :: Inference CaseStyle
inferCaseStyle Python = RubyCase
Expand All @@ -95,38 +94,37 @@ inferCaseStyle Ruby = RubyCase
inferCaseStyle _ = CamelCase

inferAutocorrectionRules :: Inference AutocorrectionRules
inferAutocorrectionRules = buildAutocorrectorRules . inferAutocorrectionRules'
inferAutocorrectionRules = buildRules . rules
buildAutocorrectorRules :: [(Token, Inspection)] -> AutocorrectionRules
buildAutocorrectorRules = Map.fromList . concatMap encodeEntry

encodeEntry :: (Token, Inspection) -> [(Inspection, Inspection)]
encodeEntry (token, inspection) = concatMap (\(k, v) -> [(k, v), ("Not:" ++ k, "Not:" ++ v)]) . map (\e -> (e token, inspection)) $ [("Uses:" ++), ("Declares:"++)]
buildRules :: [(Token, Inspection)] -> AutocorrectionRules
buildRules = Map.fromList . concatMap generateInspectionEncodingRules

inferAutocorrectionRules' Haskell = [
rules Haskell = [
("type", "DeclaresTypeAlias"),
("if", "UsesIf")
inferAutocorrectionRules' Java = [
rules Java = [
("if", "UsesIf"),
("class", "DeclaresClass"),
("interface", "DeclaresInterface"),
("for", "UsesForLoop")
inferAutocorrectionRules' Ruby = [
rules Ruby = [
("if", "UsesIf"),
("class", "DeclaresClass"),
("def", "DeclaresComputation"),
("for", "UsesForeach"),
("include", "Includes")
inferAutocorrectionRules' Python = [
rules Python = [
("if", "UsesIf"),
("class", "DeclaresClass"),
("def", "DeclaresComputation"),
("for", "UsesForeach")
inferAutocorrectionRules' _ = []
rules Python2 = rules Python
rules Python3 = rules Python
rules _ = []

-- Misc

Expand Down
48 changes: 29 additions & 19 deletions src/Language/Mulang/Analyzer/Synthesizer.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,46 +5,56 @@ module Language.Mulang.Analyzer.Synthesizer (
) where

import Language.Mulang.Analyzer.Analysis (Language(..), Inspection)
import Language.Mulang.Analyzer.Analysis (Inspection)

import Language.Mulang.Operators (parseOperator, Token, TokensTable)
import Language.Mulang.Operators.Haskell (haskellTokensTable)
import Language.Mulang.Operators.Ruby (rubyTokensTable)
import Language.Mulang.Operators.Java (javaTokensTable)
import Language.Mulang.Operators.Python (pythonTokensTable)
import Language.Mulang.Ast (Operator (..))
import Language.Mulang.Operators (Token)
import Language.Mulang.Ast (Operator)

import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Monad ((>=>))

import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import Data.List (stripPrefix)
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map

type KeywordInspectionsTable = Map Token Inspection
type Encoder = Operator -> Inspection
type Decoder = Inspection -> Maybe Operator
type Encoder a = a -> Inspection
type Decoder a = Inspection -> Maybe a

type EncodingRuleGenerator a b = (a, b) -> [(Inspection, Inspection)]

-- converts an operator into an inspection
encodeUsageInspection :: Encoder
encodeUsageInspection :: Encoder Operator
encodeUsageInspection = encodeInspection "Uses"

encodeDeclarationInspection :: Encoder
encodeDeclarationInspection :: Encoder Operator
encodeDeclarationInspection = encodeInspection "Declares"

encodeInspection :: String -> Encoder
encodeInspection :: String -> Encoder Operator
encodeInspection prefix = (prefix ++) . show

-- extract an operator from an inspection

decodeUsageInspection :: Decoder
decodeUsageInspection :: Decoder Operator
decodeUsageInspection = decodeInspection "Uses"

decodeDeclarationInspection :: Decoder
decodeDeclarationInspection :: Decoder Operator
decodeDeclarationInspection = decodeInspection "Declares"

decodeInspection :: String -> Decoder
decodeInspection :: String -> Decoder Operator
decodeInspection prefix = stripPrefix prefix >=> readMaybe

generateInspectionEncodingRules :: EncodingRuleGenerator Token Inspection
generateInspectionEncodingRules = generateEncodingRules id id

generateOperatorEncodingRules :: EncodingRuleGenerator Token Operator
generateOperatorEncodingRules = generateEncodingRules encodeUsageInspection encodeDeclarationInspection

generateEncodingRules :: Encoder a -> Encoder a -> EncodingRuleGenerator Token a
generateEncodingRules usageEncoder declarationEncoder (k, v) = concatMap generateEncodingNegationRules baseEncodings
baseEncodings = [("Uses:" ++ k, usageEncoder v), ("Declares:" ++ k, declarationEncoder v)]

generateEncodingNegationRules :: EncodingRuleGenerator Inspection Inspection
generateEncodingNegationRules (k, v) = [(k, v), ("Not:" ++ k, "Not:" ++ v)]

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