This project was a big one for me as a beginner. It helped me learn a lot about React, API services like Stream, and the differences between client-side and server-side code.
While the game of tic-tac-toe is simple to implement, making it work for two online users is not as easy as it seems.
Express on Node is very nice; writing GET and POST requests is easy. APIs - Stream provides you with a lot of services. The reason I used it here was the need for rendering.
I have used vite
just set your stream API and secret in App.jsx (client) and in index.js (server)
to run just start the server I have used some node modules just
goto server and install the following
npm install express cors stream-chat uuid bcrypt
also set up nodemon
goto client and install the following
npm install stream-chat-react stream-chat universal-cookie
now to run start the server using npm run start now start client using npm run dev
credits to Pedrotech for teaching me. goto his YT channel.