This project helps one build faster a Gulp project for either node or browser. This is just a starter project without any application code.
Project template architecture structure
|--- dist
| |_public
| |
| |-assets
| | |
| | |-css
| | |-images
| | |-js
| |-pages
|--- src
| |_public
| |
| |-assets
| | |
| | |-sass
| | | |-app.sass
| | |-images
| | | |-logo.png
| | |-ts
| | |-index.js
| | |-test-functions.js
| |-pages
| | |-index.html
| gulpfile.js
| package.json
| package-lock.json
| .gitignore
user sass+typescript files are place under src/public/assets
respective folders.
This can be modified in the gulpfile.js at the root folder.
"browserify": "^16.3.0",
"gulp": "^4.0.2",
"gulp-autoprefixer": "^6.1.0",
"gulp-sass": "^4.0.2",
"gulp-uglify": "^3.0.2",
"tsify": "^4.0.1",
"typescript": "^3.5.3",
"vinyl-buffer": "^1.0.1",
"vinyl-source-stream": "^2.0.0"
You should have the latest node (with npm/npx) installed
- For web project, clone the
web branch
. - The starter template does not include any framework or server. You will have to setup one.
- Run
npm install
to load the dependencies - To run gulp default task + gulp watch, run
npm run dev
- Also note, the TS bundle output (app.bundle.js) is not injected in the html.