Code for CoVSeQ Consortium's paper: Murall et al. (2021) A small number of early introductions seeded widespread transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in Quebec, Canada Genome Medicine
preprint version:
Carmen Lia Murall, Eric Fournier, Pierre-Oliver Quirion, Arnaud N'Gauessan, Sana Naderi, and Jose Hector Galvez
All SOPs generated and used by the CovSeQ consortium are found here:
and workflows are also described in CoVSeQ's website:
Data availability:
Sequences we generated are available in GISAID and VirusSeq Portal and the raw sequence data is available in NCBI under BioProject PRJNA686074. This dataset is also available on our consortium’s website here:
Lists of all Quebec and global viral genomes used in this study are available in tables S1 and S2 in the supplementary materials (link here).
We thank all the authors, developers, and contributors to the GISAID database for making their SARS-Cov-2 sequences publicly available.