This application provides API services for recipe-book application. To see the live Angular demo you can visit s3 hosting url here. To see the live React demo you can visit s3 hosting url here.
Clone repository to your local.
Be sure that all the required tables and data is created using recipe-book-seeder.
Create and .env file in the root with these fields:
// Next DB_* properties will be the PostgreSQL info for local or remote database that was seeded in previous step DB*HOST=db_location (localhost for local installation)
DB_PORT=db_port (by default 5432)
DB_DATABASE=database_name // Port is optional. By default port will be 3000 in local machine. PORT=3001 TOKEN_SECRET=secret to create jwt tokens. A complex and long string is suggested. ADMIN_EMAIL_LIST=Comma separated email addresses that will have the role 'admin'. All other email will be considered 'user'. -
npm install
to get dependencies. -
Run project via
npm run dev
Now endpoints can be tested. Postman request export ('recipe-book.postman_collection.json') can be imported and used.
- All meal and category endpoints can be used directly.
- In order to use 'favorite' endpoints, a token is necessary. After successful register or login, token is saved (by postman tests) to postman environmental variables. No extra task is required for token. Only a successful login or register is enough.
- Favorite requests use the token that was taken from login or register to authenticate request.
- Typescript
- Express.js
- dotenv (environment management)
- cors (enabling cors)
- typeorm, postgresql (database connection)
- bcrypt (hash and check passwords)
- jsonwebtoken (jwt management)