This application is created to seed meal data to recipe book database. To see the live Angular demo you can visit s3 hosting url here. To see the live React demo you can visit s3 hosting url here.
Create a postgresql database in local or remote.
For local installation
For cloud -
Fill .env file in root level with database information.
DB_HOST=db_location (localhost for local installation)
DB_PORT=db_port (by default 5432)
DB_DATABASE=database_name -
Create tables. All DDL information can be found in the file "ddl_scripts.txt" in root of project.
Directly running the ddl must create all needed tables. A GUI like pgAdmin can be used to run ddl script. -
npm install
to get dependencies. -
Run project via
npm run start
After installation is completed, data must be present in the tables below;
a. category
b. meal
c. ingredient
d. instruction
All the data inside json files are taken from Meal DB. Original content can be found in original website.
ddl_scripts.txt contains 'favorite' and 'account' tables. These tables are not related to seeder. But recipe-book-backend is using these tables.