PHP - Simple library to deal with basic DNS situations.
- Name Conversion;
- Name Sanitization;
- Name Validation;
- Check name SSL certificate;
- Check name servers;
- Get name parts (sufix, domain, subdomain);
- Get public sufix list;
- Get and/or search for DNS records: 'A', 'AAAA', 'CNAME', 'NS', 'SOA', 'MX', 'SRV', 'TXT', 'CAA', 'NAPTR', 'PTR', 'HINFO', 'A6'.
composer require murilo-perosa/domain-tools
composer update murilo-perosa/domain-tools
To run unit tests using PHPUnit:
./vendor/bin/phpunit src/tests
To run PHPLint:
./vendor/bin/phplint ./
Class used to handle Domains and Subdomains names.
* Current name
* @var string
public $name;
* Name Subdomain
* @var string
public $subdomain;
* Name Domain
* @var string
public $domain;
* Name sufix
* @var string
public $sufix;
* Name is a subdomain
* @var boolean
public $is_subdomain;
* List of Subdomains
* @var array
public $subdomains;
* Parts of name
* @var array
public $parts;
* Segments of name
* @var array
public $segments;
* Name is valid
* @var bool
public $is_valid;
* Domain records
* @var Record
public $records;
use MuriloPerosa\DomainTools\Name;
// instance the class
$name = new Name('');
// convert name to UTF-8
// convert name to ASCII
// sanitize the name
// sanitize the name and remove "www."
// you can use them like this
// get current name servers
$name_servers = $name->getNameServers();
// check if name has ssl certificate
$has_ssl = $name->hasSsl();
Class used to handle names sufix.
use MuriloPerosa\DomainTools\Sufix;
use MuriloPerosa\DomainTools\Name;
// get the sufix list
$list = Sufix::getSufixList();
// get name sufix
$name = new Name('');
$sufix = Sufix::getDnsSufix($name);
Helper that contains static funtions for treatment situations.
You must use that class when you need to apply quick operations to the name.
use MuriloPerosa\DomainTools\Helpers\NameHelper;
// Sanitize name
$name = NameHelper::sanitize('', true); // '' => ''
// Split name in parts
$name = NameHelper::splitInParts(''); // '' => ['google', 'com']
// Return name in segment
$name = NameHelper::splitInSegments(''); // '' => ['com', '']
// Validate name
$is_valid = NameHelper::validate(''); // true
// Convert domain name from IDN to UTF-8
$name = NameHelper::idnToUtf8(''); // 'tä'
// Convert domain name from IDN to ASCII
$name = NameHelper::idnToASCII('tä'); // ''
// Check if name has SSL Certificate
$has_ssl = NameHelper::hasSsl(''); // true
Class used to handle DNS Records.
* Domain
* @param string
public $domain;
* Allowed records to get
* @param array
private $allowed_records;
use MuriloPerosa\DomainTools\Record;
// instance the class
$dns = new Record('');
// OR
use MuriloPerosa\DomainTools\Name;
$name = new Name('');
$dns = $name->records;
// Return array with all records
$records = $dns->getAll();
// Return array with all NS records
$records = $dns->getNS();
// Return array with all A records
$records = $dns->getA();
// Return array with all AAAA records
$records = $dns->getAAAA();
// Return array with all CNAME records
$records = $dns->getCNAME();
// Return array with all SOA records
$records = $dns->getSOA();
// Return array with all MX records
$records = $dns->getMX();
// Return array with all SRV records
$records = $dns->getSRV();
// Return array with all TXT records
$records = $dns->getTXT();
// Return array with all CAA records
$records = $dns->getCAA(); // Not works on Windows (OS)
// Return array with all NAPTR records
$records = $dns->getNAPTR();
// Return array with all PTR records
$records = $dns->getPTR();
// Return array with all HINFO records
$records = $dns->getHINFO();
// Return array with all A6 records
$records = $dns->getA6();
// Dinamic record search - returns a result array
$records = $dns->search($type, $host);
// to get records of all types or hosts you can use '*'
$records = $dns->search('*', '*');
// you can use a string to specify wich type or host you want to search
$records = $dns->search('A', '');
// you can use arrays to specify wich types or hosts you want to search
$records = $dns->search(['A', 'MX'], ['', 'blabla']);
// You can use a mix of approaches
// $records = $dns->search('*', '*');
// $records = $dns->search('*', '');
// $records = $dns->search('A', '*');
// $records = $dns->search(['A', 'MX'], ['', 'blabla']);
// $records = $dns->search('*', ['', 'blabla']);
// $records = $dns->search('A', ['', 'blabla']);
// $records = $dns->search(['A', 'MX'], '*');
// $records = $dns->search(['A', 'MX'], '');
// $records = $dns->search(['A', 'MX'], ['', 'blabla']);
Murilo Perosa <[email protected]>