Java library to compute the local sunrise and sunset at a given latitude/longitue and date combination.
Download the jar or clone the repo and run $ mvn clean install to build from source.
Create a SunriseSunsetCalculator with a location and time zone identifier:
Location location = new Location("39.9522222", "-75.1641667");
SunriseSunsetCalculator calculator = new SunriseSunsetCalculator(location, "America/New_York");
Then call the method for the type of sunrise/sunset you want to calculate:
String officialSunrise = calculator.getOfficialSunriseForDate(Calendar.getInstance());
Calendar officialSunset = calculator.getOfficialSunsetCalendarForDate(Calendar.getInstance());
When filing a bug report, please include the following information:
- Date sunrise/set calculation was being run for.
- Latitude/longitute sunrise/set calculation was being run for.
- Timezone (either "America/New_York" or GMT-0500)
Mike Reedell
Apache License, Version 2.0