Mobile application for a corporation "Vernap" (Autobleue public service) with the "PhoneGap" plateform version 3.1.0
The application download is averable on "".
Change Log v0.2.02 (Mars 26, 2014):
- "correction bug scroll"
Change Log v0.2.01 (Mars 26, 2014):
- "improved"stability"
- "application stable"
- "Logout if reload appli"
- "amelioration du settings"
- "MAJ des themes de toutes les pages (homogénéisation)"
- "blocage de certaines page si non logguer"
- "Netoyage du code (indentation, commentaire inutile, ...) et des fichiers inutile"
Change Log v0.1.91 (Mars 25, 2014):
- "divers correction"
- "better logged in visibility"
Change Log v0.1.90 (Mars 25, 2014):
- "search station functionnal"
- "current reservation functionnal"
Change Log v0.1.81 (Mars 25, 2014):
- "correction login"
- "menu logout in menu visible when user is logged"
- "divers correction"
Change Log v0.1.80 (Mars 25, 2014):
- "New styles"
- "Adding my reservations and search stations by cars, not functionnal"
Change Log v0.1.77 (Mars 24, 2014):
- "Adding functionnal reservation"
Change Log v0.1.76 (Mars 22, 2014):
- "update and correction login function in js/login.js"
- "Add save username and passWord in login function"
- "update aff cars content in js/module_map.js"
- "remove inutil html"
Change Log v0.1.75 (Mars 11, 2014):
- "update checkConnection function in js/autoBleueStart.js"
- "remove js/demo.js"
Change Log v0.1.74 (Mars 09, 2014) :
- "remove Toast.js from www/js folder"
- "remove the social div from the menu"
- "add the swaper menu with cars, contact, tarif sections in info-swiper.html + Update the menu"
- "update in info-swiper.html the link click to call AutoBleue in contact section"
- "update maps plugin"
- "correction open-menu-left onClick on wing-icon (top-left)"
Change Log v0.1.73 (Mars 06, 2014):
- "Add new fonctionnality : local storage"