This repository contains the code for maintaining the database script automatically with Jenkins for your microservices.
Flow Diagram
1. Python 3.5 +
2. Jenkins
- Automatic execution of base schema DDL and DML scripts for defined microservices.
- Automatic execution of service version delta scripts.
- Notifying developer for failed query execution.
- Maintaining the service delta for reference and
Fork this repository and take clone.
git clone
Define database configuration in config.ini file
hostname = localhost
username = postgres
password = postgres
database = ecommerce
Install Jenkins for pipeline creation
Steps for Jenkins installation
Create below pipeline in Jenkins ( Replace the repository url with your forked repo)
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Cloning Git') {
steps {
git ''
stage('Run Script') {
steps {
script {
sh 'pip install psycopg2'
sh './'
Follow below steps for setup
- Create folder in root directory for all your micrtoservices.
- Create below four files inside each microservice folder - DDL.sql --> file for (CREATE, DROP, RENAME, ALTER etc) statements. - DML.sql --> file for ( UPDATE, INSERT, MERGE etc) statements. - sprint_delta.sql --> You need to add all the delta scripts for the service version delta. - service_delta.sql --> This file automatically tracks whole service delta scripts.
Refer account_service, shipping_service,inventory_service folder for above files
- Define below four varibales in config.ini file
type = base - You have to define "base" 0r "delta" in type file. "base" for executing DDL and DML scripts and "delta" for executing sprint_delta file.
services = account_service,inventory_service,shipping_service - You have to list down the service folders here for which database scripts needs to be executed.
account_service = 1.0 - Define the version number corresponding to the service code version on GIT
inventory_service = 1.0
shipping_service = 1.0
Follow below steps for port forwarding to trigger local jenkins job if you don't have Jenkins public IP or DNS available. Steps for port forwading
Follow below steps for setting webhook on GIT to auto trigger jenkins job on every push Set GIT Webhook
Upcoming Features
- Database Schema Backup.
- Database DML backup of all tables except operational table.
- This script can be useful if you have manual db script execution for your microservices.
- This will reduce the manual intervention of maintaining and validating queries.
- This will be beneficial if you have multiple client deployments and have to maintain delta for different product version deployments.
- This will track scripts of all the services in only one repo.
Upcoming Features
- Auto execute base script DDL and DML after every script in a test database to validate all the scripts.
- Auto database backup of all the tables except operational one.