Dynamic DNS Client for CloudFlare.
You will need a Go development environment to build this program.
After the environment is properly set up, you can build and install the programin $GOPATH/bin
go get github.com/muxro/cf-ddns
Configuration is done trough a YAML file, which should have the following format:
checkInterval: 60
email: 'you@example.com'
- 'example.com'
- 'www.example.com'
- '*.dev.example.com'
is the interval, in seconds, at which to check for IP address changes.
define the zones that you need to update, each zone has to have an email, Cloudflare API token, and the domains that need to be updated.
Assuming that the binary is in your $PATH
, run the following command:
cf-ddns -config /path/to/config
This will start the program in the foreground, with logging to stdout. To run this program as a daemon, use the following command.
nohup cf-ddns -config /path/to/config >cf-ddns.log &
Copyright (C) 2014 Mux Systems SRL-D
Shared under the GPLv3 license. See the LICENSE file for more details.