cd ~
mkdir repos
cd ~/repos
This is the controller on the vehicle which talks back/forth with QGC.
cd ~/repos
git clone --recursive [email protected]:DonLakeFlyer/MavlinkTagController.git
sudo apt install airspy
This is a custom version of csdr which outputs to udp
cd ~/repos
git clone [email protected]:DonLakeFlyer/csdr-uavrt.git
sudo make install
cd ~/repos
git clone --recursive [email protected]:dynamic-and-active-systems-lab/uavrt_detection.git
cd ~/repos
git clone --recursive [email protected]:dynamic-and-active-systems-lab/airspy_channelize.git
On the rPi you'll need to buld your own MAVSdk since there isn't a released version for it. On Linux theoretically you don't need to do that, but might as well build it there as well so you are doing the same thing. Follow the instructions here: Checkout the latest release tag.
You can get an insaller artifact from here:
- Follow the instructions here to build a SITL version:
- Start PX4 SITL:
PX4_SIM_SPEED_FACTOR=2 HEADLESS=1 make -j 12 px4_sitl_default gazebo-classic_iris
- Start MavlinkTagController:
cd ~/repos/MavlinkTagController
- Start QGC Tag Tracker version
- Click Tags to send tags
- Click Start to start detectors
- Click Stop to stop detectors
- Update the TagInfo.txt to match you tag
- Application Settings/Tags to set K, False Alarm and so forth
- run `crontab -e'
- Add this to the end of the file:
@reboot if [ -f /home/pi/MavlinkTagController.log ]; then cp -f /home/pi/MavlinkTagController.log /home/pi/MavlinkTagController.prev.log; rm -f /home/pi/MavlinkTagController.log; fi; /home/pi/repos/MavlinkTagController/build/MavlinkTagController serial:///dev/ttyS0:57600 > /home/pi/MavlinkTagController.log 2>&1