This repo is meant to be used as a submodule for matlab projects. It provides support for these things:
- C++ versions of udp code. Without this a codegen of calls to dsp.udpReceiver/udpSender requires a matlab library which is only available on an OS for which matlab has application support. This means that you cannot compile this code on an Arm processor like a Raspberry pi. The C++ udp code in here provides codegen udp support for any posix platform. It is mainly meant to be used by uavrt_detection and airspy_channelize and is tailed to that.
- Header files for compiling codegen output on any posix platform. This is mainly used by the C++ udp code but should work for any generic codegen output.
- A makefile which is capable of building matlab codegen source code for a generic posix computer.
To use the udp support you must do the following:
- Include matlab-coder-utils repo as a submodule of your matlab code repo.
- In the Matlab app Set Path to include matlab-coder-util/c-udp
This class is meant to be used to receive complex single precision samples from a udp port.
Example usage:
% Setup the udp port for receiving
% You specify the ip address and port
% Last argument is max number of complex samples in a single udp packet
udpReceiver = ComplexSingleSamplesUDPReceiver("", 10000, 1024);
% Read samples from the udp port
% This call will not return until there is data available
complexSamples =
% Clear out any data already existing on the udp port
% Release the udp port
This class is meant to be used to send complex single precision samples from a udp port.
Example usage:
% Setup the udp port for receiving
% You specify the ip address and port
% Last argument is max number of complex samples in a single udp packet
udpSender = ComplexSingleSamplesUDPSender("", 10000, 1024);
% Write samples to the udp port
% Release the udp port
This class is meant to send and receive a PulseInfo matlab structure over udp. The PulseInfo structure is similar to the TunnelProtocol:PulseInfo_t structure in that it contains the same field.
Example usage:
% Create an empty PulseInfoStruct
% All values are set to NaN
pulseInfoStruct = PulseInfoStruct();
% Set values
pulseInfoStruct.tag_id = 1;
pulseInfoStruct.frequency_hz = 146000000;
% Setup and send the pulse info out over udp
pulseInfoStruct.udpSenderSetup("", 10000);
% Setup and receiver pulse over udp
% After the receiveOverUDP call the pulseInfoStruct values will be set to what was received
% dataAvailable:
% true: data was readm struct values were updated
% false: no data currently available, struct was not updated
dataAvailable = pulseInfoStruct.udpReceiverSetup("", 10000);