Various SNP imputation are available. Most methods require a VCF input format, knowledge about the pedigree or the linkage map. The advantage of fastPHASE (Scheet & Stephens, 2006), is the purely genotyping and position based method.
fastPHASE is a Hidden Markov model based imputation method that clusters the haplotypes around the missing genotyping and imputes based on similarity.
HapMap_Imputation has the R packages data.table and tidyverse as only dependencies.
Download and prepare HapMap_Imputation:
git clone
chmod +x HapMap_Imputation/
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/HapMap_Imputation"
Usage (on CSV hapmaps) FILE.hapmap > FILE.imputed
The new script requires a genotyping information in a hapmap format (comma separated, see here).
In a first step, HapMap_Imputation counts the occourence of each nucleotide at every single genotyped position. The most common nucleotide is defined as major allele, the second is defined as minor allele. Missing genotyping information is excluded. In the case major and minor alleles accour at the same number, the nucleotide of the reference cs10 (available as GCF_900626175.1 on NCBI) is choosen as major allele.
Subsequently, HapMap_Imputation sorts markers by position and parses the hapmap into the required fastPHASE input format (requirements explained in the fastPHASE manual). Briefly, HapMap_Imputation splits the haplotypes into two separate rows, converts major and minor allesles into 0 and 1 respectively and produces temporary files for each chromosomes.
During the third step, HapMap_Imputation downloads the latest fastPHASE version and runs the imputation using 8 cores in parallel. fastPHASE is runned with ten random starts of the imputation algorithm.
After imputation, HapMap_Imputation reverse the 0 and 1 coding into the major and minor nucleotide, respectively. Subsequently, the two haplotypes are combined and the the separate chromosome merged.
To test the capabilities of HapMap_Imputation, we used hapmap files from two populations ( a total of 431 individuals genotyped with 5536 markers). We subsequently juxtaposed the imputed and the raw files by comparing each single position for each individual.
The used files contained 26.42% missing values (630'438 of 2'386'016 of marker X individual combinations). Out of the 630'438 missing genotypes, HapMap_Imputation was able to impute 565'415 SNPs (89.7% of the missing values). The remaining 65'023 (10% of the missing values) were not imputable. This is mostly because of the limited genotyping over all individuals of the specific SNPs. A small fraction 0.27% (6'466) of all SNPs contains an incompatibilitiy with the original raw data.
Scheet, Paul, and Matthew Stephens. "A fast and flexible statistical model for large-scale population genotype data: applications to inferring missing genotypes and haplotypic phase." The American Journal of Human Genetics 78.4 (2006): 629-644.