Source code for the project work of Mobile Robots for Critical Missions.
Python version: 3.10
Python libraries for QReader: pyzbar, pytorch, qrdet, numpy
Python software suite for QReader: zbar-tools, to install through
sudo apt-get install zbar-tools
First of all the localization, nav2 and rviz node should be brought up, by using the startup launch file created:
ros2 launch planner_pkg
And if all the nodes are started correctly, the discovery and planner package are needed to correctly solve the task:
ros2 launch discovery_pkg
ros2 launch planner_pkg
If the task should be performed in a simulation environment, the gazebo simulator will be used, by launching:
ros2 launch diem_gazebo x:=-6.3 y:=0.0 world:=diem_map
When all the nodes are up, use Rviz2 to estimate the initial pose and then the navigation will start.