Microservice used to create NEAR accounts
Install latest Node.js LTS release
Make sure you have PostgreSQL installed and running. On macOS, you can use Postgres.app.
Create accounts_development
Postgres DB with helper
user/password. You can do this from within psql
create user helper with superuser password 'helper';
create database accounts_development with owner=helper;
After that:
yarn migrate
You can also modify DB config in config/config.js
to use different connection settings, etc.
Follow existing migrations as examples. To generate a migration file use the following:
npx sequelize-cli migration:generate --name migration-skeleton
Create a .env
file, copy in the default values from .env.sample
. Read this file for information about how to change configuration settings to suit your needs.
By default, it assumes that you're running a local node and local network. To do this, use nearup or rainbow-bridge-cli
Now you can add an ACCOUNT_CREATOR_KEY
to your .env
. Running a local NEAR network created a ~/.near/localnet/node0/validator_key.json
file for you. Copy the contents of this file and paste them as a single line, with NO whitespace, for the ACCOUNT_CREATOR_KEY
value in your .env
. For example:
yarn start
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -XPOST --data '{"newAccountId": "nosuchuseryet", "newAccountPublicKey": "22skMptHjFWNyuEWY22ftn2AbLPSYpmYwGJRGwpNHbTV"}
curl -XGET
curl -XGET https://helper.mainnet.near.org/publicKey/ed25519:EKveJ28ocxfHXQEfH42AowPL7HgXHkKp3kmMoSXNjiRF/accounts
Follow the instructions above for creating the development database and helper
user. Then create an accounts_test
database using psql
create database accounts_test with owner=helper;
As mentioned in the "Environment Variables" section above, make sure you are running a local blockchain
This will run the tests using mocha. Assertions are written using chai with chai-as-promised for async assertions. Spies and fake timers provided with sinon.
- GET /tokens/ft_metadata - get tokens metadata
- tokens - array of tokens (contract names) separated by commas
'wrap.testnet': {
spec: 'ft-1.0.0',
name: 'Wrapped NEAR fungible token',
symbol: 'wNEAR',
icon: null,
reference: null,
reference_hash: null,
decimals: 24
'usdc.testnet': {
spec: 'ft-1.0.0',
name: 'USDC',
symbol: 'USDC',
icon: null,
reference: null,
reference_hash: null,
decimals: 6