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android-pico-bsd ReadMe

This is an older BSD-licensed version of android-pico, last updated July 2016. For the latest version of android-pico, see:

The Pico project is liberating humanity from passwords. See

android-pico is a version of the Pico app that runs on Android. Use it instead of all your horrid passwords.


For details on the internal classes and structure of the code, see:


You'll need the JDK to build android-pico. The easiest way to build it is to import into Eclipse or Android Studio.

You'll also need a copy of the jpico library. For the older BSD-licenced jpico library that works with this code, see


android-pico is released under the 2-clause BSD licence. Read COPYING for information.

Later versions of android-pico are now AGPL-licenced. Please visit for this.

Contact and Links

More information can be found at:

The following members of the Pico team worked on this code and kindly agreed for it to be released as open source under a BSD licence:

  • Frank Stajano (PI)
  • Graeme Jenkinson
  • Max Spencer
  • Chris Warrington
  • Quentin-Stafford-Fraser
  • Alexander Dalgleish
  • David Llewellyn-Jones

You can get in contact with the current maintainer of Pico at [email protected]

We thank the European Research Council (ERC) for funding the Pico research through grant StG 307224 (Pico).