This is the source code for my personal website
- Tech Stack
- Packages
- Why did I build this?
- SRS, Software Requirements Specification
- Flowchart
- Wireframe
- Functional Specification
- Prototype
- System Architecture
- Folder structure
- Tech Stack
- Packages
I wanted to have a personal website to showcase my projects and to have a place to write about things I learn. I also wanted to have a place to experiment with new technologies and to have a place to document my journey as a developer.
- Core: Next.js
- Styling: Tailwind CSS
- Package Manager: pnpm
- Linting
- Test
- CI/CD: GitHub Actioons
- Deployment: Vercel
Why do I choose Tailwind CSS
I wanted to experiment with Tailwind CSS- Font
- Icons
- Google Anylytics