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myyrakle edited this page Jan 30, 2019 · 1 revision


#define decl_array(declname, type, length)
struct declname;

Member Variables

  • type data[length]

Similar Methods(Member Function Pointer Variables)

Method names Description
get_length return length of array
Element Access
get return element corresponding to the index
get_ptr return pointer of element corresponding to the index
get_cptr return const pointer of element corresponding to the index
Non-modifying Operation
clone return self after deep copy
begin return iterator to the beginning
end return iterator pointing to the end
Linear Search
find find a specific value and return the iterator in that location
find_by find the value that a specific function return true, and return the iterator in that location
indexof find a specific value and return that index
indexof_by find the value that a specific function return true, and return the index
contains return true if it contains a specific value
contains_by return true if it contains the value that a specific function return true
Binary Search
bfind binary search find a specific value and return the iterator in that location
bfind_by binary search find the value that a specific function return true, and return the iterator in that location
bindexof binary search find a specific value and return that index
bindexof_by binary search find the value that a specific function return true, and return the index
bcontains return true if it contains a specific value. using binary search
bcontains_by return true if it contains the value that a specific function return true. using binary search
Modifying Operation
fill fill array with a specific value
fill_ptr fill array with a specific value pointer
Sorting Operation
sort sort array
sort_by sort array by compare function
for_each call a specific function while iterate all the elements
for_each_ptr call a specific function while iterate all the elements by the pointer

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