fdbutil is a general use utility for controlling and manipulating foundationdb. It will start as a method for identifying missing fdb processes but will grow to other functions such as killing processes, identifying live but "stuck" processes.
$ ./fdbutil.py --help
usage: fdbutil.py [-h] [-t TIER] [-d CONFDIR] [-s SUFFIX] [-c CONF]
{missing} ...
utility for fdb process management
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t TIER, --tier TIER fdb tier to query. Default: ssd
-d CONFDIR, --confdir CONFDIR
directory containing fdb configuration files. Default: /etc/foundationdb
-s SUFFIX, --suffix SUFFIX
suffix for cluster configuration files. Default: .cluster
-c CONF, --conf CONF foundationdb server configuration file. Default: foundationdb.conf
{missing} available subcommands. use <subcommand> --help for usage
missing for detecting missing processes
This subcommand identifies missing processes across one or all tiers.
$ ./fdbutil.py missing --help
usage: fdbutil.py missing [-h] [-m]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m, --metrics output format as a json metric with the tier as a point tag
$ ./fdbutil.py --tier all missing
missing processes for ssd tier: None
missing processes for memory tier: 4613, 4653
$ ./fdbutil.py --tier memory missing --metrics | jq .
"4600": 0,
"4601": 0,
"4602": 0,
"4603": 0,
"4604": 0,
"4605": 0,
"4606": 0,
"4607": 0,
"4608": 0,
"4609": 0,
"4610": 0,
"4611": 0,
"4612": 0,
"4613": 1,
"4614": 0,
"4615": 0,
"4650": 0,
"4651": 0,
"4652": 0,
"4653": 1,
"4654": 0,
"4655": 0,
"4656": 0,
"4657": 0,
"tier": "memory"