A persian/jalali date/datetime resource field for Laravel Nova
php: ^8.0
laravel/nova: ^4.0
Install the package into a Laravel app that uses Nova with Composer:
composer require mziraki/nova-persian-date-field
Add the field to your resource in the fields
use MZiraki\PersianDateField\PersianDate;
use MZiraki\PersianDateField\PersianDateTime;
->color('rgb(30, 136, 229)') // customize color
->format('jYYYY/jMM/jDD') // customize display format
->locale('fa,en'), // customize locale
->color('rgb(30, 136, 229)') // customize color
->format('jYYYY/jMM/jDD HH:mm:ss') // customize display format
->locale('fa,en'), // customize locale
The field extends the Laravel\Nova\Fields\Field
field, so all the usual methods are available.
It is recommended that you include the standard date_format
validation rule, as it is not automatically added.