Data manager to export iPhone health data as pandas.DataFrame
Nowadays, there are many devices to measure our health.
For example, smart watch, body scale, and app to record our diet.
Frequently, they are able to export their data, however, the formats have much varieties.
It requires a lot of work to investigate the formats for every device.
Fortunately, these data are integrated to
on iPhone.
Of course, we can see the data and nice graphs on our iPhone, but we want to analyze and visualize the data by ourselves!
This repository provides a conversion tool of the data to panda's DataFrame on python environment.
On your system,
$ python -m pip install git+
Step by step explaination is here
Online usage on notebook is here.
Getting started is,
from apple_health import manager
man = manager()
man.as_datetime = True # If you want to obtain the data as datetime type.
Then, df = man.get_df()
(takes a few minutes) will generate data as pandas.DataFrame.
Please make issues and pull-requests freely.