Exercise for building a user Roman Number Translator using JavaScript, bootstrap, and JQuery, 6/6/2018
A web-based Roman Numeral Translator page
- Clone the repository
- Open html file in browser
The program should output a roman numeral for the numbers 1 - 3
- input example: 2
- output example: II
The program should output a roman numeral for the numbers 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, and 1000.
- input example: 100
- output example: C
The program should output a roman numeral for the numbers 11 - 13
- input example: 12
- output example: XII
The program should output a roman numeral for the numbers 6 - 8
- input example: 7 (5 + 2)
- output example: VII
The program should output a roman numeral for the numbers 16 - 18
- input example: 17
- output example: XVII
The program should output a roman numeral for the number 4
- input example: 4
- output example: IV
The program should output a roman numeral for the number 14
- input example: 14
- output example: XIV
The program should output a roman numeral for the number 9
- input example: 9
- output example: IX
The program should output a roman numeral for the number 19
- input example: 4
- output example: XIX
Test for numbers < 3,999 and only convert those that meet this criteria
- input example: 4000
- output example: alert("please enter a # < 3,999")
- JavaScript
- Bootstrap
- JQuery
Copyright (c) 2018 Nate Cottle