2.0.0 (2024-09-23)
Merge pull request #370 from nado1001/release/style-dictionary-tailwindcss-transformer-to-v2 (8619f7d )
Bug Fixes
delete integration test (3336ffc )
fix kebab case transform name (24c8766 )
fix name of StyleDictionary instance in README (c7fc031 )
update node version for release.yml. (272a937 )
update node version for test & release. (29a6b3c )
update node version for test.yml (46a1a97 )
add custom formatType in destination for other type (e0de7f0 )
add integration test for testing package with style-dictionary (c253c4f )
add preprocessors in configs (85b01dc )
update README based on new version of style-dictionary (dad27a7 )
update style-dictionary package (513c20f )
update style-dictionary to 4.1.1 version (eba804f )
use in formatTokens (0c3a97c )
use new types of style-dictionary (a89cc66 )
use structure of hooks in config (0ca2d6f )
delivered v4 compliant version of style-dictionary.
You can’t perform that action at this time.