I would like to express my gratitude to Jalal Uddin Sir for his invaluable guidance and support throughout this project.
The Ludo game has been a fantastic learning experience, and I have gained a great deal of knowledge and skills from working on it.
Thank you for this incredible opportunity.
- Enter the number of players, their names, and select their colors.
- The game supports up to 4 players (minimum 2 players required).
- Human and computer players can participate in the game. You can set all players as human, all as AI, or a mix of both (for testing purposes only).
- Players take turns in the sequence of initialization.
- No player can move without rolling a 6 initially.
- Rolling a 6 grants the player an extra roll.
- Rolling 6 three times consecutively results in the player losing their turn.
- If a player kills another’s pawn, the killed pawn returns to its home, and the killer gains an extra roll.
- Completing a pawn's path allows the player another chance to roll the dice for a different pawn.
- Test the game with up to 4 AI players.
- Test the game with up to 4 Human players.
- To use manual input for dice rolls instead of random values, edit
:- Comment line 191
- Uncomment line 192
- Players: Cannot select fewer than 2 players or more than 4 players.
- Colors: Only Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow are available, and each player must select a unique color.
- Movement: Pawns cannot move without first rolling a 6.
- Path Completion: Completed pawns cannot be selected.
- Pawn Selection: Choices are limited to 1, 2, 3, or 4.
- Input Restrictions: Inputs must match the provided options, and cannot be null or an unsupported number.
- Start Date: October 17, 2024
- End Date: November 2, 2024
Displaying the board...
# # | | # | #
# YELLOW #-----#-----#-----# V BLUE #
# # # # # #
# ----------- #-----#-----#-----# ----------- #
# | | | # # # # | | | #
# ----------- #-----#-----#-----# ----------- #
# | | | # # # # | | | #
# ----------- #-----#-----#-----# ----------- #
# # # # # #
# #-----#-----#-----# #
# --> # # # # #
# | | | | | | # # | | | | | | #
# | | | | | | | X | | | | | | | #
# | | | | | | # # | | | | | | #
# # # # # <-- #
# GREEN #-----#-----#-----# RED #
# # # # # #
# ----------- #-----#-----#-----# ----------- #
# | | | # # # # | | | #
# * ----------- #-----#-----#-----# ----------- #
# | | | # # # # | | | #
# ----------- #-----#-----#-----# ----------- #
# # # # # #
# ^ #--G1-G2-G3-G4----# #
# R1 R3 R4 | # | | # #