func ScaleImage(i image.Image, w, h int) (image.Image, error)
Usage: To scale an image to specified width and height
Input param:
i: Image need to scale width and height
w: output width
h: output height
func EncodeImage(buf io.Writer, i image.Image, ext string) error
Usage: Write the image i to buf in jpeg, png or gif format
Input param:
buf: writer
i: image need to encode
ext: extension of input image
func GetImageByPath(path string) (draw.Image, string)
Usage: Get the image from specified path
Input param:
path: path of image need to get
func GetImageByPathWithRect(path string, rect image.Rectangle) (draw.Image, string)
Usage: Get the image from specified path and rectangle
Input param:
path: path of image need to get
rect: rectangle of image
type (
// Pager ...
Pager struct {
TotalCount int64
PerPage int64
CurrentPage int64
PrevItem PageItem
NextItem PageItem
PageLinks []PageItem
// PageItem ...
PageItem struct {
Page int64
Label string
Location string
IsDisabled bool
IsCurrent bool
func CreatePager(ctx context.Context, count, perpage, current int64) (*Pager, error)
Usage: Create a pagination pager
Input param:
ctx: a context
count: total result
perpage: number result per page
current: current page
func getLocation(location string, page int64) string
Usage: Get location (url) of specified page
Input param:
location: current location
page: specified page need to get location
func paramTo(kind reflect.Kind, param string) (interface{}, bool, error)
Usage: Convert params to a specified type
Input param:
kind: type need to convert to
param: a URL param
func ParamToInt64(param string) (int64, bool, error)
Usage: Convert params to type int64
Input param:
param: a URL param
func ParamToStr(param string) (string, bool, error)
Usage: Convert params to type string
Input param:
param: a URL param
func Random(n int) string
Usage: Make a random string with n characters both uppercase and lowercase
Input param:
n: number of characters
func RandomLC(n int) string
Usage: Make a random string with n lowercase characters
Input param:
n: number of characters
func GetHash256(str string) string
Usage: Encrypt a string using SHA-256 algorithm
Input param:
str: string
func PasswordHash(pw string) (string, error)
Usage: Generate a hash password from password
Input param:
pw: password
func PasswordVerify(hash, pw string) error
Usage: Compare password with hash password to verify
Input param:
hash: hash password
pw: password