0.7.0 (2023-08-21)
add control plane operations (create, list, delete cache) (9bfc358 )
Add credential parsing from string and env var (50f5dec )
Add delete method (2a1b826 )
Add doc code snippets and readme generation (#43 ) (f987077 )
Add get and set methods (4a0875c )
Add initial grpc call example (16e733f )
Add pre-built configurations (17ae286 )
add sorted set fetch by score and remove functions (#37 ) (3bdb666 )
add sorted set get score, get rank, and increment score (#38 ) (c2624f2 )
add sorted set put and fetch by rank functions (#36 ) (9f27b46 )
loadgen example code (dc6fe46 )
Make the project publishable on Hex (5f6fe36 )
sketch of possible API (31713a4 )
standardize the response types (#32 ) (2b92ca5 )
support numbers for ttls/scores (18facba )
use keyword list for cache client factory function (ba334a2 )
Bug Fixes
cache client functions should require cache client arg (1080113 )
dialyzer errors due to opaque types (a95a868 )
linting (102e424 )
linting (e649c48 )
placeholder integration test (6fb5668 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.