Flash keys, the ultimate typing speed test! Enhance your typing skills with real-time accuracy feedback, speed measurement, and customizable essays—all in an easy-to-use interface.
- C B Nandhana https://github.com/nandhana04cb backend-JavaScript
- S Thejaswini https://github.com/S-Thejaswini backend-JavaScript
- Kanishka C https://github.com/Kanishka-nssce FrontEnd-HTML
- Riya S https://github.com/riyamohandas FrontEnd-css
A typing speed tester is like a virtual coach for user keyboard skills. It gives you passages to type and measures how fast and accurately user can type them. As user type, it keeps track of user's speed in words per minute and may highlight any mistakes user make. It's like a friendly guide that encourages you to type better by providing feedback. With different texts and challenges, it's a way to sharpen your typing skills and become a faster, more accurate typist.
1.HTML Setup: Created HTML elements for the typing passage, input field, timer, result display, and start button.
2.CSS Styling: Applied CSS to style the elements for a visually appealing interface.
3.JavaScript Functions: Written functions to start the test, update the timer, end the test, calculate WPM,erors in words,accuracy and display of the result.
1.Download: Download the project files (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) or clone the repository from GitHub.
2.Open HTML File: Open the HTML file in a web browser (e.g., Chrome, Firefox).
3.Start Test: Click the textfield to begin the typing speed test.
4.Type the Passage: Type the provided passage into the input field accurately and quickly.
5.End Test: The test will automatically end after the set time limit.
6.View Result: View your typing speed (WPM),error in words and accuracy displayed on the screen.
7.Restart Test: restart the test by clicking the "regenerate" button again.
8.Close Browser: Close the browser window when finished.